The Christian Worldview of COPIC

Christian Champions for Christ in the World

Compassion Peace Initiative Coalition( COPIC)  is a  Christ-centered and holistic initiative centred on the love of God through Jesus Christ to advocate for children and families living under violence and poverty due to conflict, violence, injustice and negligence in their societies in Cameroon. 

Our mission in Cameroon will focus on 3 strategic aspects,

  1. Branching out and touching the lives of Internally Displaced Persons in Cameroon due to armed conflict and violence.
  2. Bringing IDPS together to transform their lives through the love, mercy and compassion of Jesus Christ.
  3. Building holistic long-term self-sustainable communities for children & families.


COPIC’S Christ-centered Call and Vocation

“You did not choose me, I chose you and sent you to go and bear much fruits, fruits that last forever. This is the commandment love one another”. John 15: 16


COPIC’s Christ-centered Vision

  • To ignite ingenuity and inspire hard work that drives excellence in service.
  • Our drive to succeed stems from our firm belief in human dignity and the opportunities that are available to our donors and supporters to give generously in order to restore the poor and downtrodden to human dignity.
  • We are determined to grow through learning from the experience of interaction with our partners and friends which allows us to maximize human potentials to leverage high performance in advocacy and sustainable Christian business development (SCBD).


COPIC’S Christ–centered Evangelistic Strategy

  • To improve and strengthen our relationship with God through Jesus Christ.
  • To live out our faith through social justice and peace for all people.
  • To be the voice of the voiceless children by advocating for them.
  • To mobilize, energize and galvanize Christians to build a better future for families and children.
  • To seek the selfless support of global Christians through friendship and partnership.


COPIC‘s Christ–centered Ethical Values

  • Christian stewardship and discipleship.
  • Transparency and accountability.
  • Honesty and modesty.


COPIC’s 3Cs in Biblical approach to Christian Social Justice

COPIC is rooted in the social justice gospel, which features in the teachings of John the Baptist and also through the life and ministry of Jesus Christ. We believe that the gospel through words and deeds has the capacity to transform lives morally, spiritually and physically so long as we focus on the 3Cs.

  • The Great Commission (preach, teach and spread the good news about Jesus Christ).
  • The Greatest Commandment (loving God and loving one another).
  • The Great Commitment (to be salt and light in the world through good deeds). 


COPIC’s Social Justice Model

  • Bearing one another’s burden and sharing with those in need.
  • Building and developing impoverished communities.
  • Promoting early intervention and long term self- sustainability.
  • Empowering children by making education accessible and affordable.


COPIC’s Global Village Consciousness

  • Breaking down barriers of poverty and injustice and building up bridges of opportunities and possibilities across cultures, countries and communities.
  • Finding common grounds through our common humanity.
  • Motivated by the spirit of collective conscience and compassionate giving.


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