The Vision of COPIC

Compassion Peace Initiative Coalition ( COPIC) is a Godly- nonviolent and patriotic initiative established to empower peace & public policy advocates, and experts to focus on sustainable peacebuilding and nationbuilding. We focus on pursuing diplomatic solutions to the ongoing crisis in the North West and South West Regions of Cameroon since 2016.

In the view of COPIC, sustainable security, peace & stability are the building blocks of a prosperous society.

COPIC is underscored by a sense of justice, equality, the rule of law & good governance seen as the pillars of representative governance that fosters human dignity and progress.

COPIC prides herself on a holistic approach to post-conflict reconstruction through SWOT(S) analysis and SMART goals models to nurture servant leaders and empower stakeholders to become agents of transformational development in their communities.

Our Mission Statement

To participate in peace-building (conflict prevention, management and resolution), nation-building and national unity for a peaceful, just and prosperous Cameroon society for the commonwealth through local and non-violence actions and international diplomatic advocacy.


1) Conflict Resolution and peacebuilding
2) Youth and women Empowerment
3) Democracy, Governance and institutions
4) Development cooperation and Humanitarian assistance
5) Leadership

Our Motto

Educate, Nurture and Empower

Our Values

  • Love
  • Integrity
  • Service

Objectives & Plans of COPIC

Whereas COPIC’s Motto is to educate, nurture and empower,

Whereas COPIC ‘s values are love, integrity and service

These yearly plans and objectives of COPIC will be as follows

1. To promote peacebuilding, conflict prevention and peaceful resolution of conflicts in our communities and society at large.

2. To engage and deconstruct the violence mindset of youths as well as educate them to acquire the nonviolence philosophy and good communication skills.

3. To carry out the sensitization, mobilization and membership campaign where applicable in the country aimed at mobilizing youths & families to become peacebuilders.

4. To sensitize and galvanize parents and children never to refrain from sending their children to school or never to give up on going back to school considering the importance of education for their personal development

5. To render humanitarian assistance and social services to victims of violence and war including but not limited to Internally Displaced persons( IDPs) orphans, women and children

6. To promote social responsibility & social justice in Cameroon through nonviolence peacebuilding, post-construction & nation-building.

7. To promote the spirit of patriotism and inspire civic engagement and citizens participation in the political process through nonviolence.

8. To advocate for good governance, the rule of law, good government policies and economic reforms that will guarantee equal socio-political and economic opportunities for all Cameroonians regardless of language, region or tribe.

9. To teach and equip youths with entrepreneurial skills to become responsible business owners.

10. To teach basic life skills to students including employment and job skills, financial counselling, etc.

11. To advocate for a clean, safe and preservation of the environment & its inhabitants.

12. To promote gender equality and empowerment of women and the girl child.

13. To promote youths with their musical talents for peacebuilding and national unity.

14. To carry out fund-raising amongst Africans and foreign European and North American donors to help fund our Humanitarian Assistance and Empowerment Services (HAAES), Microfinance Loans (MFL), The Giving Back Scholarship Fund(GBSF) and the Sustainable Economic Investments Initiatives (SEII)

COPIC's Policy

StatementMindful of the socio- political crisis in Cameroon, particularly, in the NW & SW regions, Compassion Peace Initiative Coalition ( COPIC) was founded in July 2019 against the backdrop of the sociopolitical and economic crisis in the North West & South West Regions affecting national security and normalcy .

This is a Godly- nonviolence and patriotic initiative based on the collective desire of peace & public policy advocates, and experts to focus on sustainable peacebuilding and nationbuilding by pursuing both national and international diplomatic solutions to the crisis.

We think that sustainable security , peace & stability are the building blocks of a prosperous society.Meanwhile justice , equality , the rule of law & good governance are the pillars of representative governance essential for the fostering & flourishing of human dignity and society

We ,pride ourselves on a holistic approach to post- conflict reconstruction through SWOT(S) analysis and SMART goals models to nurture servant leaders and empower stakeholders ( members of the community) to become agents of transformation and development in their communities using their God-given talents.

COPIC's Pledge of Optimism

Compassion Peace Initiative Coalition(COPIC) hereby takes a plunge into the atmosphere of hope and optimism with a firm believe that the best is yet to come.

As citizens of a country, we only dream and aspire for a brighter future when we are alive.

Therefore, on behalf of all the victims of the socio-political crisis in Cameroon , COPIC pledges before God and our consciences, witnessed by our fellow patriotic Cameroonians( from all walks of life and from one region and tribe to the other) and humanity our loyalty to one another as one nation and to the ideals upon which we dare share our UNFLINCHING resolve and an uncompromising dedication to play our own part in the collective effort toward promoting national and International peace, security. stability, good governance and the proper functioning of the economic activities in NW & SW regions and beyond through peacebuilding and nation building.

We pledge our total commitment to these objectives hereby stated that in constant collaboration & partnership with appropriate authorities and stakeholders , COPIC will pursue the following objectives of her vision,

1. We will pursue Strategic nonviolence methods while employing global diplomatic Collaboration and relations to help us find a peaceful solution

2.We will pursue strategic grassroots mobilization and empowerment of youths in their communities through sustainable economic investments that will make them become responsible members of their communities and citizens.

3. We will pursue post- conflict reconstruction, nation-building as well as explore the most suitable political system that suits Cameroon’s multi-ethnic culture in the 21st century

4. We will pursue the revitalization of Cameroon’ s economy  through remittance & geopolitical economic investments and recuperation of ill- gotten wealth

5. We will pursue and tap into the merits of globalization like migration free trade and international business for the common good of Cameroonians


Revised May 21st , 2020

Strategic Planning and Capacity Building of Our Vision

COPIC is a Coalition (community ) of compassionate patriots driven by glorious optimism with a commitment to educating , nurturing and empowering servant leaders actively involved in different regions of Cameroon attending to IDPs as humanitarian peacebuilders for a peaceful, Just, democratic and prosperous Cameroon. In that light we focus on the following plan of action:

  • Promote robust peacebuilding and peaceful resolution of conflict in the north west and south west regions
  • Engage and deconstruct the violence mindset of youths and educate them to acquire the nonviolent methods and good communication skills through grassroot mobilization and empowerment to resolve conflicts constructively
  • Carry out the sensitization, mobilization, launching and membership campaign where applicable in the country
  • Focus on humanitarian campaign and support for IDPs in their effort to overcome poverty and hunger.That entails rendering humanitarian relief and social services to them with an international human development paradigm to lift them up from poverty thereby ending hunger.
  • Promote social responsibility & social justice in Cameroon through nonviolence peacebuilding & better public policy advocacy
  • Promote the spirit of patriotism and inspire civic engagement and citizens participation in the political process
  • Advocate for good governance, the rule of law, good government policies and economic reforms that will guarantee equal socio- political and economic opportunities for all Cameroonians regardless of language, region or tribe.
    Improve capacities and equip youths with entrepreneurial skills to become responsible business owners
    Promote gender equality and empowerment of women and the girl child.
  •  Promote artists who use their musical talents for peacebuilding and national unity
  • Conduct diplomatic advocacy through mediation and negotiation in order to achieve sustainable peace and security. This include participating in post-conflict reconstruction and rebuilding of war torn zones through a broad based national and international collaboration to implement sustainable economic initiatives
  • Initiate fund-raising amongst Cameroonians and foreign donors to help fund projects enlisted .

COPIC's Philosophy of Servant Leadership

The truth about educating , nurturing and empowering servant leadership.

Every leader ought to be wise( wisdom) and compassionate if they are servant leaders and understand the duty of service as public servants in the case of elected officials.

Yet, in every field of life servant leadership is the catalyst for social transformation.You are hired or elected or recruited to serve and not to be served upon. Servant leadership is built on your talents or specific skills set required for peacebuilding and nationbuilding.

In fact just be the one who washes the feet of the people in their condition

Application of Servant Leadership Principles

1. compassionate patriotism, duty and service in both the private and public sectors

2. Humility , loyalty selfless love and commitment to volunteerism

3. Responsible Stewardship , transparency and accountability

4. Doing the right thing when what to do is the right to do.

5. Fulfilling a life of purpose in the service of humanity in your community

Become a peace builder. Support our efforts to end the violent conflict in Cameroon

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