Compassionate Humanitarian Assistance Impact (CHAI)

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As we marked an end to a very turbulent and yet a fulfilling 2019, at least we are here alive, waxing strong in 2020. While we thank God for our lives, may families grieving be comforted for the loss of love ones. I always believe one is still alive for a greater purpose. We are soon to be a month old into 2020 and it means a lot since a journey of 12 months starts with one month. It looks like we have started this journey in the right direction with the assurance of God’s grace and mercy as we are marching , pushing and forging ahead with compassionate patriotism and glorious optimism for ourselves and our societies. Let us make 2020 a year of Compassionate Humanitarian Assistance Impact (CHAI). We must intentionally touch the lives of IDPs and others. Whatever it takes, we must feed and take care of those suffering in accordance with Matthew 25:35-45.

We must embrace the future with faith, hope and love. Sometimes all what is left is the future to look forward to with glorious optimism to build up from the ashes. We are encouraged by our brother and friend, Rich Gutowski when he said “Build it and they will come”…. from the movie “Field of Dreams” in essence it is manifestation of faith and how Gods works with His people. Just take one small step each day and see what he does…. Any small little act of faith including doing research and preparing a plan and a budget” Rich Gutowski

Our sense of compassion calls for practical duty to respond to the challenges that each years brings at both individual and collective levels. In all honesty “charity starts at home”. Do not be reluctant to participate if you are in need. It is nothing to worry about except to ponder over what it means to live in the present community, society, country and world? It is ambivalent, diverse, pluralistic and turbulent with hardly much desired peace, safety and security. That is why we cannot steer clear of nonviolence methods of pursuing Peacebuilding and reconstruction diplomatically.

The challenges are enormous I must say ; safe drinking water , safe electricity supply , access to other basic human needs and a proper functioning of economic practices to inspire economic actions . All these to me are building blocks to true development, progress and happiness. We are pressing harder for normalcy to return for these reasons mentioned. In the universal quest for peace and harmony, I have come to the firm agreement with others that human freedom and dignity remain the modus operandi of existence.

It is true human resources could be unevenly distributed due to shortages created by known and unknown geopolitical forces. Yet, it is still our responsibility to pursue nonviolence methods to ensure that we have what we deserve without indulging into harmful behaviors. Our short term goals will be focused on providing a holistic humanitarian assistance to IDPs under COPIC’s Christ-centered servant leadership approach which will be monitored by an in- take form. Director of Humanitarian Assistance contact the VP to discuss the in-take form.

We will also focus on developing projects and strengthening as well as expanding our collaborative and cross- cultural bridgebuilng partnership efforts as we build bridges of compassion, peace and sustainable development. Therefore, our short term projects will lay the groundwork for the long term projects like “Water for Peace, Sustainable economic Microfinance, Bakery investment and Agricultural development etc which are all under discussion and review.

As we make progress and initiate great strides of action, a lot will happen along the way. We are very committed to our COPIC’s vision, mission, motto, values and plans with humility and determination. Therefore, we are very vigilant, creative, flexible, adventurous and daring. We must all work harder together. Nothing will come easy. The basic idea of unity and strength continue to shape and transform organizations and more importantly building good and healthy relationships which value input and talents of one another. Let me take a moment to once more thank all our friends and partners who are either with us now or have learned about COPIC. We are encouraged, motivated and embolden by the outpouring of compassionate generosity to swing into action because of Rich & Eddie. Now, while they play their own part, let each and everyone of us also play their own part with enthusiasm and love.

Thank you, God Bless us all
Long live COPIC
Jonathan Awasom
Executive President

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