The US wants a genuine Peace process for Cameroon

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My fellow American Friends and well-wishers

Please, support USA’s call for “ genuine peace process “ for Cameroon crisis 

I greet you all. Bear with me as I am about to bother you about Compassion Peace Initiative’s campaign for peace in Cameroon.  We are heartbroken about what is happening in Cameroon.  Our families are trapped and the suffering is alarming. It hurts😭 and we are DESPERATE. The constant killings and loss of lives and properties including but not limited to kidnappings and rapes are alarming.

These are the remarks of Hon. Tibor Nagy, the USA under Secretary of State for African Affairs on the crisis in the English Speaking Regions of the North West and South West Regions of Cameroon.  Please, listen to him in the video, too. I am from the North West Region where most of the conflict and violence is concentrated. The crisis has lasted for 3 years and some months now from November 2016 to March 2020(soon will be 4 years with no ending in sight).

I believe that the comments of Hon Tibor Nagy are important and appreciated by us COPIC because about 85% of the ambazonia separatist leaders fueling the crisis and reign of confusion in Cameroon are living here in the USA with a majority of them in Maryland, New York, New Jersey, California, Boston, Houston, Minnesota etc.

In order for us to resolve the crisis in Cameroon, we believe everyone should be on board the idea for “genuine peace process” as suggested by Hon. Tibor Nagy.  We have always called for genuine dialogue but it is obvious to us that this genuine peace process will have to begin here in the USA with the leaders of Ambazonia living here.

We envisage that the  phases of this genuine peace process will have 3  phase 1 2 & 3 in order to embody the following categories of genuine peace process drawing from past experiences if possible,1. Amnesty, forgiveness and healing2. Peace Accord & Rehabilitation3. Post-conflict Reconstruction and Rebuilding

I will be contacting those I am acquainted with to explore this idea of a “genuine peace process “.I urge all of you reading from me to help us in every way you can in your functions as Missionaries, Pastors, Diplomats, Business leaders, politicians, citizens of the world, Christian brothers and Sisters etc. Please, we are on bended knees seeking help for our families caught in between two warring parties. There is this African adage, “When two elephants fight, it is the grass that suffers.”

Thank you all.  Jonathan Awasom

Executive President of COPIC at 
Phone: 2018785829

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